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At the end of the session, a student (Std. I to IX)  must have 85% attendanceFailing which, he or she will not be promoted to next higher class or will not be allowed to appear in the Final Examination.


Every students must be present on the closing & re-opening of the school before/ after Summer, Puja & Winter vacation failing which, his/ her names will be struck off from the roll.



Students will be allowed sectional religious holidays on the basis of previously written application from parents.


Regular attendance is important for successful work. In class of one or two day’s leave, a student has to produce leave application duly signed by his/her parents in the absence record of the Diary and show it to the class teacher the following day.


⦁    Continuous absence for more than 25 days without leave application will be considered equivalent to the withdrawal of the student from school and re-admission has to be taken.



If students will come late in the morning more than 3 times then Rs- 10/- fine will be charged or may suspend for a week.


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