Divine City, Hitku, Narwapahar, Jamshedpur-832111
Affiliated to C.B.S.E. (Up to 10+2), New Delhi
An English Medium Senior Secondary School
Affiliation Number- 3430374, School No.- 66579
⦁ Books will be issued for a week only.
⦁ Students returning books after due date will be charged Rs. 5/- per day as late time.
⦁ If any book is found damaged (torn leaves, scribble on the pages) the full price of the book will be realized from the student concerned.
⦁ Books issued should be returned to the library before a long vacation starts otherwise Rs.5/- per day will be charged as late fine.
⦁ If the library period happens to fall on a holiday, students will not be issued books on any other day of the week. In such cases, the issued books are to be returned on the next library day.
⦁ Students should enter the library one by one and keep silence during their stay there.
⦁ Students caught stealing books or magazines will have to undergo severe punishment.
⦁ If the library membership card is lost, a new one can be made available on payment of Rs.10/-.