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  • Students must  carry  out  their duties in a brisk and smart  manner.       

  • A  student should be regular in attendance , C.W, H.W., Diary work and punctuating                          

  •  Diligent in  his/her  work, neat and clean in  his/her dress and of exemplary behavior.                              

  • Is no way student should disfigure the walls or destroy school property.

  • Any damages done to the school property has to be repaired by the concerned student. Damaged to school property can also bring about expulsion from school.                                       

  • They  should keep  their classroom  and  surroundings  neat & clean.                                                                         

  • Students are not allowed to leave the school campus during class hours without the principal’s permission.                                                  

  • During absence of teachers in the classroom, students are not allowed to leave the classroom or make noise, In such case class monitors are  responsible for maintaining discipline  inside the class.                                       

  • Students must wish the administrative staff, academic staff,  and visitors and their seniors who in turn should  have  affection and  care to the  juniors.

  • Medium communication inside the school  is English. Any student found  interacting in  any  other  language is  liable  for punishment.

  • The students should switch off   the  lights and fans  in the Classroom, when not required.

  • Students must bring this school Diary everyday and produce it whenever demanded.

  • The School authorities reserve the right to dismiss a student, if found breaking any discipline  or in case of any  unsatisfactory  conduct.

  • Power driving  vehicles  be  strictly  prohibited for student.

  • They  should  cut  hair atleast  once on a month, brush their teeth & bath regularly    keep  their nails  clean  and  trimmed.   


House System                          

To create an atmosphere of healthy competition and team spirit, most of the school activities are governed by House-system. Inter House competitions are held regularly.                                    



Blossoming of Inhibited Talents                         
We expose the child to develop hobbies like reading, sketching, singing, dancing,Public speaking and gardening and ensure that discipline becomes a second nature of the child individual and consistent monitoring of every student enables the teacher to recognize the field in which a particular child can excel.  Children with similar interests and inclinations are grouped together and then the teachers help them to nurse and cultivate their talents.


Educational Tours     

The School Plans picnics and educational tours for the students. They are taken  historical places, museums, factories research institutions etc to give them firsthand knowledge.



 Art & Craft and Science Exhibitions are held every year


⦁    Students are ordinarily admitted only at the beginning of the session which
Commence in the first week of April.
⦁     For admission to any class the student must pass an entrance test. The prescribed
Age criteria of candidates for different classes will be strictly adhered to. No changes
In date of birth will be entertained thereafter.
⦁    For admission to Nursery LKG, and UKG, the following age criteria will be strictly followed. For Nursery – 2 ½ yrs to 3½ yrs for LKG - 3½  to  4½ yrs and for UKG-  4½ yrs to 5½ yrs.
⦁    For Admission in Std I to IX, a valid transfer Certificate has to be produced along with the proof of age.
⦁    Admission is restricted purely on the basis of merit followed by an entrance test for class L.K.G  to IX.
⦁    The principal reserves the right to refuse any application without having to assign any reason.
⦁    At the time of admission parents have to submit a duly attested photocopy of the birth Certificate, Transfer Certificate (Original) and Report Card of the previous class (Original).


⦁    Withdrawals from any class must be preceded by a month’s before notice in writing and one month fee with notice.
⦁    Transfer Certificate will be issued one week of receipt of the application.
⦁    All dues will have to be cleared before a Transfer Certificate is issued.
⦁    School authorities may ask, without prior notice, to the parents to withdraw the child from the School on any of the following grounds:-

Academic  Content :  Neglect of Studies or those who fail twice in the same class or are  below  average.

Disciplinary : Those Students Whose conduct in the opinion of the principal is harmful to interest of the school.


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